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Avatar szymcio65

15 grudnia 2014, 19:23

Gazeta Bale

Avatar szymcio65

15 grudnia 2014, 19:24

@szymcio65: sorry Gareth Bale

Avatar kubakk12

30 stycznia 2015, 23:11

@szymcio65: Obczaj, co znalazłem:
If Gareth Bale had 40 pace he would be called Gareth Snail
If Gareth Bale had a yacht he would be called Gareth Sail
If Gareth Bale lived in the sea he would be a Gareth Whale
If Gareth Bale was a dictator his name would be Gareth Hail
If Gareth Bale lost Liverpool the title his name would be Gareth Gayle
If Gareth Bale was an animal he would have a Gareth Tail
If Gareth Bale was made of hay his name would be Gareth Bale... f**k
If Gareth Bale had diarrhea he would be called Gareth Trail
If Gareth Bale was really old he would be Gareth Frail
If Gareth Bale was blind he would be Gareth Braille
If Gareth Bale committed a crime he would be Gareth Jail
If Gareth Bale snapped his ankle he would be Gareth Wail
If Gareth Bale lost control of his limbs he would be Gareth Flail

Teraz tylko z tego zrobić obrazek :D

Avatar darcus

21 grudnia 2014, 01:34

Obawiam się, że Stephen Hawking to nie jest gwiazda, a Arnold i 50 Cent to nie nazwiska...

Avatar HoneyVilley

19 grudnia 2014, 12:23

Goku - Stopku

Avatar TypowyPolak

18 grudnia 2014, 14:43

Arnold to nie nazwisko...

Avatar FPJ25

Edytowano - 18 grudnia 2014, 09:17

Jest jeszcze dużo takich.
EDIT. Obrazek się nie wgrał ._.
EDIT2. Da się usuwać komentarze?

Avatar Michalwi

Edytowano - 18 grudnia 2014, 13:22

@FPJ25: Nie da sie :/
EDIT. Najwyzej Zresetuj strone i odpisz do Siebie.

Avatar FPJ25

18 grudnia 2014, 09:19

Avatar J2319

15 grudnia 2014, 19:40

Ellen Page - Ellen Book

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