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Avatar UkrytyNinja

25 maja 2018, 21:44

jestem ciekaw części dalszej tej historii

Avatar Grzechoooo

25 maja 2018, 23:47

@UkrytyNinja: też

Avatar EWIPS

26 maja 2018, 00:07

@UkrytyNinja: Oryginalny artykuł: A Bag Of Trash Started Moving. What Was Inside Changed This Family FOREVER.

When a construction worker saw a bag of trash moving in the street, he was concerned with what could be inside.

When he opened up the bag what he find was truly HORRIFYING.

Screen Shot 2015-10-22 at 10.35.12
Someone had left a vulnerable baby in the trash bag, alive.

Thought to be just a few hours old the newborn boy had miraculously survived the night. His life is literally a miracle.

A wonderful family decided to take the baby in and make him a part of their family.

I am so glad that people like this exist, what an honourable thing to do, not many people could take someone in to their home and raise them as if they were their own. Stuff like this really makes me well up!

They named him Little Eddie and he is now thriving and living a wonderful life, check out this family’s heartwarming story below…

If you were having a bad, we promise this will turn it all around – knowing that their are people out there as kind and compassionate as Little Eddies mom and dad.

Avatar Grzechoooo

26 maja 2018, 12:58

@EWIPS: Czyli w skrócie: pracownik budowy znalazł kilkugodzinne dziecko w worku na śmieci i je przygarnął.

Konto usunięte

28 maja 2018, 18:01

@Grzechoooo: co za poku*wiona akcja

Avatar WebsTer230

28 maja 2018, 18:45

Avatar UkrytyNinja

28 maja 2018, 19:51

Avatar Wielokropek

28 maja 2018, 17:51

Było po polsku

Avatar mkus29

28 maja 2018, 17:50

Sytuacja z mojego życia.

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Ale sobota....



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