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Avatar Odrzutowy567

9 stycznia 2022, 10:47

Hih, "what burns me".
to, co jara mnie
Google Tłumacz lubi to

Avatar Sebzer

4 stycznia 2022, 18:26

How is the policeman searching me?
After all, I have the right to wear what I want
What is mine is mine, what burns me
In case of what I do not know how and where
How is the policeman searching me?
After all, I have the right to wear what I want
What is mine is mine, what burns me
In case of what I do not know how and where
This is a song to freedom
The freedom you want it to be
And your eyes are still on the alert
Someone is bothering you all the time
Dreams that are already here
It is not a court that will give you the law
I am one of those who will give you strength
We say everyone is free anyway
How is the policeman searching me?
After all, I have the right to wear what I want
What is mine is mine, what burns me
In case of what I do not know how and where
How is the policeman searching me?
After all, I have the right to wear what I want
What is mine is mine, what burns me
In case of what I do not know how and where
We want to be free, this is how we want to live
Where you come into this world you have nothing
It's your sketch and you draw it
Man, you understand, you run your fate
You want to be free or you want to be chained
By blind faith in them, these are the notes
Which bring relief to all of them
Which overturned them and overwhelmed the sound
Believe in your freedom, this is your property
This is my property of a free man
Straight from the inside, the most honest message
How is the policeman searching me?
After all, I have the right to wear what I want
What is mine is mine, what burns me
In case of what I do not know how and where
How is the policeman searching me?
After all, I have the right to wear what I want
What is mine is mine, what burns me
In case of what I do not know how and where
This is song, word and music
And even if you are afraid
You want this freedom, you have it in your speakers
This is what will give you relief
It is known that you man will see the same
And only when you want to
Enjoy what has long been taken from you
I say everyone is free anyway
How is the policeman searching me?
After all, I have the right to wear what I want
What is mine is mine, what burns me
In case of what I do not know how and where
How is the policeman searching me?
After all, I have the right to wear what I want
What is mine is mine, what burns me
In case of what I do not know how and where
A new generation straight from concrete cities
Where Dutch specialties sensitize the taste
I watch the world from under my heavy eyelids, I lose time
You miss him so often, again and again
What is mine is mine, what burns me

Avatar IkarAviator

4 stycznia 2022, 20:14

@Sebzer: dzięki, chciałem zrobić jedną linijkę i dać jejakom kontynuować łańcuszek. Przyszedł pan nadgorliwy XD

Avatar Sebzer

5 stycznia 2022, 00:21

@IkarAviator: haha

Avatar spacetofi

4 stycznia 2022, 22:07

Hehe jaranko

Avatar otylyjelen1357

4 stycznia 2022, 19:57

Co, przecież tam jest "to co jaram nie"

Avatar Czaderek07

5 stycznia 2022, 07:40

@otylyjelen1357: No chyba jednak się mylisz

Avatar Nanook

4 stycznia 2022, 19:39

Lana Del Rey jak zwykle śpiewa prosto z serca

Avatar foxkitty

4 stycznia 2022, 14:28

Jak to policeman przeszukuje mnie?
przecież mam prawo nosić to co chcę
to co moje jest moje, co jara mnie
w razie co to nie wiem przecież jak i gdzie

Avatar Schabowy_nie_mielony

Edytowano - 4 stycznia 2022, 14:08


Avatar Czad99

4 stycznia 2022, 19:24


4 stycznia 2022, 19:55

@Czad99: K*bieta 🤮🤮🤮

Avatar olimpicYT3356

5 stycznia 2022, 09:03

@Schabowy_nie_mielony: Co ci k...a zrobiły kobiety

Avatar Schabowy_nie_mielony

5 stycznia 2022, 10:48

@olimpicYT3356: istnieją.

Avatar olimpicYT3356

5 stycznia 2022, 10:50

@Schabowy_nie_mielony: Bez nich nie byłoby ciebie

Avatar Schabowy_nie_mielony

5 stycznia 2022, 12:56

@olimpicYT3356: Kolejny argument że k*biety (🤮🤮🤮) są złe

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