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Avatar TrueStoryGuy

2 października 2022, 18:21

Co za muzyka?

Avatar TrueStoryGuy

29 grudnia 2022, 15:24

Sure it's a calming notion, perpetual in motion
But I don't need the comfort of any lies
For I have seen the ending and there is no ascending
Oh, back when I was younger, was told by other youngsters
That my end will be torture beneath the earth
'Cause I don't see what they see, when death is staring at me
I see a window, a limit, to live it, or not at all
If you could pull the lever to carry on forever
Would your life even matter anymore?
Sure it's a calming notion, perpetual in motion
But it's not what you signed up for
I'm sure there won't always be sunshine
But there's this momentary beam of light
You don't have to wait those salty decades
To get through the gate, it's all in front of your face
I'm sure there won't always be sunshine
I'm sure there won't always be sunshine
But there's this momentary beam of light
I could cross the ocean in a fit of devotion
For every shining second, this fragile body beckons
You think you're owed it better believing ancient letters
Sure it's a calming notion, but it's a lie...

Avatar Rhokai

2 października 2022, 15:19


Avatar IkarAviator

2 października 2022, 14:55

NPC: It's not a place to die pal
Player: Don't leave me!
NPC: You've completed your mission. Now it's time for me to complete mine
Player: B-but... NOOOOOOO
[Beach House - Space Song]

Avatar TrueStoryGuy

2 października 2022, 14:15

Każdy bohater i złoczyńca ginie tylko w jeden sposób, w płomieniach chwały.

Avatar Duszy_Dym

1 października 2022, 15:39

Piękne poświęcenie

Avatar Devil_Eye

1 października 2022, 14:52

przeczytałem hetero bruh

Avatar Boberek00

1 października 2022, 14:33

Nie każdy bohater nosi pelerynę
( o_o)7

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