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Avatar DeerEevee666

2 lipca 2018, 11:25

I am the Slim Shady, the real Slim Shady, and the other Slim Shades, are just imitating

ps : Nwm czy dobrze napisałam

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23 marca 2019, 18:18

@DeerEevee666: so won't the real slim shady please stand up, please stand up

Avatar dawidz1612

Edytowano - 22 sierpnia 2016, 21:15

Knock Knock
I am at your door now
I am coming in
No need for me to ask permission

Knock Knock
I'm inside your room now
Where is it you've hid?
Our game of hide and seek's about to end
I'm coming closer
Looking underneath your bed but
You're not there, I wonder
Could you be inside the closet?

Ding Dong
I have found you
Ding Dong
You were hiding here
(Now you're it)
Ding Dong
Finally found you, dear
(Now you're it)
Ding Dong
Looks like I have won
(Now you're it)

Ding Dong
(Pay the consequence)
(Ding Dong
Looks like I have won
Now you're it
Ding Dong
Pay the consequence)
Kto to zna to brawo dla niego ;D

Avatar arenak1111

17 listopada 2016, 23:52

@dawidz1612: Eminem-The Real Slim Shady, klasyk piosenka o 2 lata starsza ode mnie XD

Avatar Michalol222

10 października 2016, 16:17

we gonna have a problem here.

Avatar komixx102

24 listopada 2015, 20:47

Will the real Slim Shady please stand up... we've got a little problem here.

Avatar bartusielek

24 listopada 2015, 21:22

@komixx102: Ya all act like you never seen a white person before
jaws all on the floor like Tom and Pammy just burst in the door and started whooping her ass worse than before, they first were divorced, throwin her over furniture *AAAH!*
It's the return of... oh wait, no way, you're kidding. He didn't said what i think he did, did he?
And doctor Dre said....
Nothing you idiots! Doctor Dre's dead, he's locked in my basement! HAHA!

Avatar Quest123

24 listopada 2015, 21:28

@bartusielek: woman loves eminem chaka-chaka slim shady im sick of him look at him

Avatar bartusielek

24 listopada 2015, 21:29

@Quest123: Walking around, grabbin his you-know-what, fliupping the you -know-who
Yeah, but he's so cute though
Yeah, i probably got a couple screws up in my head loose, but no worse, than what's going on in your parents bedrooms

Avatar Quest123

24 listopada 2015, 22:21

@bartusielek: sometimes I wanna get on TV and just let loose, but can't but it's cool for Tom Green to hump a dead moose my bum is on your lips my bum is on your lips

Avatar bartusielek

25 listopada 2015, 08:17

@Quest123: And if im lucky you might just give it a little kiss and that's the message we deliver to lil' kids
ANd expect them not to know what a woman's clitoris is
Of course they gonna know what intercourse is by the time they hit 4th grade, they got the discovery channel, don't they?
We ain't nothing but mammals
Well some of us are cannibals
Who hump other people open like antelopes
But if we can hump dead animals and antelopes, there's no reason a man another man can't elope
But if you feel, like i feel, i've got the antidote

Avatar Quest123

Edytowano - 25 listopada 2015, 10:13

@bartusielek: because im slim shady yes im the real shady all the others slim shades are just imitating so want the real shady please stand up please stand up please stand up because im slim shady yes im the real shady all the others slim shades are just imitating so want the real shady please stand up please stand up please stand up

Avatar bartusielek

25 listopada 2015, 20:56

@Quest123: Dobra, dalej nie pamiętam.

Avatar aneczka27

24 listopada 2015, 23:09

Mi to się kojarzy raczej z piosenką "Sweet like cola", jeżeli ktoś by chciał wiedzieć...

Konto usunięte

17 listopada 2015, 17:32

Wcale nie fapię ;-;


24 listopada 2015, 22:48

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24 listopada 2015, 20:34

wygląda jak pac-man

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Edytowano - 24 listopada 2015, 20:21


Avatar Niszczyiel

17 listopada 2015, 16:20

Ku*wa zawsze wiedzo!

Avatar Milcich

Edytowano - 17 listopada 2015, 15:58

Akurat słuchaj Eminema. Wiem nic was to nie obchodzi.

Avatar Maks2603

17 listopada 2015, 15:59

@Milcich: To lepiej zacznij fapać.

Avatar Milcich

17 listopada 2015, 16:09

Opisz dokładnie problem, a jeśli potrzeba to zilustruj go screenem.

Opisz problem

Dołącz screena

Każdy ma w sobie dziecko

Poland mountain

Typowy kibic [wstaw drużynę]

Po prostu fizyka

Pradawna mumia

Kiedyś było inaczej w klubie jagód

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