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  1. Komentarz obrazkowy musi być powiązany z komentowanym obrazkiem
  2. ZABRONIONE są obraźliwe, wulgarne obrazki
  3. ZABRONIONE są obrazki przedstawiające osoby w pozach prowokacyjnych oraz zbliżenia piersi, pośladków i inne treści o podobnym charakterze.


Avatar XDemon666

16 maja 2017, 15:02

Sabaton mi się skojarzył...

Avatar wetekin

16 maja 2017, 21:56

@XDemon666: Napisałbym mój ulubiony kawałek tekstu ale boje sie że źle napisze.

Avatar XDemon666

17 maja 2017, 14:31

@wetekin: To their own shore,
Came the world war.
Gleaves and Ingham,
Leading the bury west.
Took the short way in,
The long route back convoy 92.
Bury Gleaves and Ingham leading,
Tankers to the west.
And upon the north atlantic,
Lies the silence of the seas.
On the quietest night in the darkest hour,
The kriegsmarine appear.
Above the surface it seems quiet and calm.
Deep down below the wolfpack lurks.
To their own shore,
Came the world war.
Gleaves and Ingham,
Leading the bury west.
In their own track,
Came the wolfpack.
Gleaves led the convoy,
Into the hornets nest.
At the crack of dawn the second day,
Bury stands in flames.
Half the convoy sunk or disabled,
Heading back to the shore.
But below the north Atlantic,
On the bottom of the sea.
On the second night in the darkest hour,
The kriegsmarine return.
The wolfpack surface for a second time.
To make the convoy face it's fate.
To their own shore,
Came the world war.
Gleaves and the Ingham,
Leading the bury west.
In their own track,
Came the wolfpack.
Gleaves led the convoy,
Into the hornets nest.
Under fire,
Under water.
May 42 when,
Bury did fail the test.
To their own shore,
Came the world war.
Gleaves and the Ingham,
Leading them into death.
569 makes the contact and lead them,
U-94 scores a kill in the dark.
124 sinking four in two approaches,
406 suffers failure on launch.
569 makes the contact and lead them,
U-94 scores a kill in the dark.
124 sinking four in two approaches,
406 suffers failure on launch again.
In their own track,
Came the wolfpack.
Gleaves led the convoy,
Into the hornets nest.
To their own shore,
Came the world war.
Gleaves and the Ingham,
Leading the bury west.
In their own track,
Came the wolfpack.
Gleaves led the convoy,
Into the hornets nest.
Under fire,
Under water.
May 42 when,
Bury did fail the test.
To their own shore,
Came the world war.
Gleaves and the Ingham,
Leading them into death.

Sorki za długi komentarz, ale noh.

Avatar kiti2911

17 maja 2017, 13:07

Właśnie dostałam cukrzycę ;-;

Avatar malos1234

Edytowano - 16 maja 2017, 18:47

Amadeusz Mozart

Avatar wolf_lord

16 maja 2017, 17:41

moi poddani!

Avatar polandball1

10 maja 2017, 21:26

Avatar FuryGaming

10 maja 2017, 21:50

@polandball1: Widać nie tylko mi się skojarzyło z nimi.

Avatar Bury9

16 maja 2017, 15:51

@polandball1: Lepiej bym tego nie podsumował


11 maja 2017, 14:47

Avatar Reaperr

16 maja 2017, 15:02

Też mi się skojarzyło.

Avatar SansTheSkeleton

11 maja 2017, 14:21

0000 h0w c00t!

Avatar Sushinator

10 maja 2017, 23:49


Konto usunięte

10 maja 2017, 23:37

Dobrze że nie pingwin pack.

Opisz dokładnie problem, a jeśli potrzeba to zilustruj go screenem.

Opisz problem

Dołącz screena

Ummm... 💀

Hura, Pusheen lore!



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