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Avatar Twoja_lodowka

27 listopada 2022, 19:42

Ampi on the kicks is the pomped up kicks

Avatar gury_wamac

4 maja 2020, 18:07

Większość piosenek nocnego kochanka

Avatar RoseQuartz

24 marca 2019, 17:22

Cokolwiek Melanie Martinez

Avatar Gryficowa

5 lipca 2019, 00:14

@RoseQuartz: Akurat niektóre jej piosenki mają w miarę rozbudowany tekst XP

Avatar RoseQuartz

5 lipca 2019, 00:18

Avatar Gryficowa

5 lipca 2019, 00:23

@RoseQuartz: Mają xd

Avatar RoseQuartz

5 lipca 2019, 00:23

@Gryficowa: nie rozumiem o co cho

Avatar therovatv_

11 kwietnia 2019, 10:30

Knife song - rusty cage

Avatar Bartoszek22

31 marca 2019, 13:42


Avatar nirqm

24 marca 2019, 16:31


Avatar Lacoste

24 marca 2019, 16:41

@nirqm: Akuratnie Sad ma fajny tekst

Avatar nirqm

24 marca 2019, 19:03

@Lacoste: nie wiem dla mnie piosenka fajna ale tekst mi nie przypadł do gustu

Avatar Lacoste

24 marca 2019, 19:20

@nirqm: Mi przypadło i to i to. Słuchałem tej piosenki setki razy, szczególnie po tym jak X umarł

Avatar Shadow_years

29 marca 2019, 15:32

@nirqm: yee boi

Avatar Shadow_years

29 marca 2019, 15:31

Choke- i don't know how but they found me

Avatar Shadow_years

29 marca 2019, 15:30

Ride twenty one pilots, chociaż to raczej prawie każda ich piosenka

Avatar Nefral

26 marca 2019, 13:29

Kocham sluchac tego w szkole

Avatar Prawilny_guziec

15 marca 2019, 15:13

dajcie jeszcze jakieś przykłady

Pokaż wcześniejsze odpowiedzi (16)
Ukryj wcześniejsze odpowiedzi (16)
Avatar dawinbi

25 marca 2019, 06:29

@Prawilny_guziec: mindless self indulgence - faggot

Avatar XDemon666

25 marca 2019, 20:17

@Prawilny_guziec: I wish they'd just die

Konto usunięte

24 marca 2019, 19:25

Alright guys, we're back here with another Minecraft parody
Gonna close my door
I had this song requested just like Africa
I think it's a good song
I don't know what it means but I just,
I like it and uh... yeah
I'm gonna parody it
I have got good aim
I will steal all your diamond swords and take my plan
I have sixty-four arrows in my inventory
I'm a good player
Yeah I found an enchanted bow in my Ender Chest
Some poison arrows
I like them my gold and I'm coming for you
All the other players with the diamonds swords
Better sprint, better jump
And you won't escape
All the other players with the iron or gold
You better jump, better sprint
Faster than my arrows
All the other players with the diamonds swords
Better sprint, better jump
And you won't escape
All the other kids with the iron or gold
You better jump, better sprint
Faster than my arrows
Eh all day, I play Minecraft all day
And I'm working on my aim
And I'm working on my aim
I got myself another bow
It has infinity and a fire enchantment
I waited for a long time
Now I can kill players even faster for their diamond swords
I say I might get banned
But I want the diamonds
All of the players with the diamonds swords
Better sprint, better jump
You won't escape
All the other players with the iron or gold
You better jump, better sprint
Faster than my arrows
All of the players with the diamonds swords
Better sprint, better jump
You won't escape
All the other players with the iron or gold
You better jump, better sprint
Faster than my arrows
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I got diamonds, gold, iron woo-woo
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I got diamonds, gold, iron woo-woo
Ah, I got diamonds
I got gold and iron
Can't, can't, you can't match up to me
Cause I will kill you for free
All of the players with the diamonds swords
Better run, better jump
You won't escape
All the other players with the iron or gold
You better jump, better sprint
Faster than my arrows
All of the players with the diamonds or swords
Better sprint, better jump
You won't escape
All the other players with the iron or gold
You better jump, better sprint
Faster than my arrows
All of the players with the diamonds swords
Better jump, better sprint
You won't escape
All the other players with the iron or gold
You better jump, better sprint
Faster than my arrows
All of the players with the- b- b
Okay, bye guys

Avatar Revant42

24 marca 2019, 17:13

Miałem tak z bohemian rhapsody

Avatar nirqm

24 marca 2019, 19:04

@Revant42: ja też

Avatar Revant42

24 marca 2019, 19:14

@Revant42: Zapomniałbym jeszcze o police-every breath you take.Niby piosenka miłosna,a jednak hymn stalkerów (tych prawdziwościowych znaczy się).


24 marca 2019, 18:48

Next JoJo?

Konto usunięte

24 marca 2019, 19:12


Avatar loginloginlogin

24 marca 2019, 17:12

Darude- Sandstorm


24 marca 2019, 16:37

idkhowbuttheyfoundme - choke

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