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Avatar MemePaladin399

30 kwietnia 2020, 22:02


Avatar SharpNeedle

30 kwietnia 2020, 22:03

@MemePaladin399: Pro 1

The price is pretty good. Membership is £7.99 a month, and for that you get one credit, which gets you one book. It will depend on what you’re listening to and how much time you give it, but one book a month is about right for me listening 1-2 hours a day on weekdays and occasionally at weekends. £7.99 is a price I regularly pay for a paperback anyway, but it’s quite a lot cheaper than you can end up paying for a book on CD/download (these seem to be anywhere up to £35).

Pro 2

Listening to an audiobook is a good way to help you walk more without really thinking about it. Several times I’ve been really engrossed in the story, so I’ve walked round the block a few times in order to get to the end of a chapter before going home. Particularly useful for those readers who have ambitious step goals as a result of Christmas fitbits…

Latest Split Worlds now available for download? Time to get your long walk game face on

Pro 3

If you’re a speed-reader like me, listening to a book forces you to slow down and pay attention to detail. It makes reading a more immersive experience too, especially if you’re low on time to curl up in the quiet and really sink into a story.


In spite of these pros, part of me couldn’t help thinking I ought to feel bad about loving Audible – mainly because Amazon owns it. It seems hardly a month goes by when those guys aren’t the subject of an article or petition about their behaviour towards self-published authors or small publishers, not to mention their own employees. But you know, I also have a kindle. In fact, I wrote a whole series of blog posts about whether or not you should buy a kindle, and my conclusion was a definitive yes. On this matter I am totally in thrall to the dark side, and definitely an Audible convert. Still, there are a few cons I’d caveat.

Con 1


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