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Avatar Rav239

30 marca 2023, 11:35

In the heart of Holy See

Avatar Hamczurk

30 marca 2023, 11:37

@Rav239: In the home of Christianity

Avatar AdeptusAstartes

30 marca 2023, 11:38

@Hamczurk: The seat of power is in danger

Avatar Hamczurk

30 marca 2023, 11:41

@AdeptusAstartes: There's a foe of a thousand swords

Avatar Polak148

30 marca 2023, 12:01

@Hamczurk: They've been abandoned by their lords

Avatar polishplayer21

30 marca 2023, 14:29

@Polak148: Their fall from grace will pave their path, to damnation

Avatar AdeptusAstartes

30 marca 2023, 14:34

@polishplayer21: Then the one hundred eighty-nine
In the service of heaven

Avatar polishplayer21

30 marca 2023, 14:59

@AdeptusAstartes: They're protecting the holy line

Avatar Polak148

30 marca 2023, 20:05

@polishplayer21: It was 1527, gave their lives on the steps to Heaven

Avatar Wenglowyrycerz

31 marca 2023, 19:13

@Polak148: They will be done

Avatar makaron10

31 marca 2023, 19:44

@Wenglowyrycerz: For the grace, for the might of our Lord

Avatar rumcajschr

31 marca 2023, 19:46

@makaron10: For the home of the holy

Avatar Wenglowyrycerz

31 marca 2023, 19:51

@rumcajschr: For the faith, for the way of the sword

Avatar Polak148

31 marca 2023, 23:37

@Wenglowyrycerz: Gave their lives so boldly

Avatar FaZe_Monke

Edytowano - 3 czerwca 2023, 10:58

@Polak148: For the grace, for the might od our Lord

Avatar kokomando

1 kwietnia 2023, 14:48

To co oni sami siebie zaatakowali?

Avatar kapibara4387

31 marca 2023, 19:40

Noo tak było, nie zmyślam

Avatar Hiholatek

31 marca 2023, 19:08

Babeczka z animca pochodzi od ,,Black Lagoon"

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Avatar KufelMleka
Dodane przez: KufelMleka

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