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Avatar julianus03

13 grudnia 2018, 18:59

Deja vu
I've just been in this place before
Higher on the street
And I know it's my time to go
Calling you, and the search is a mystery
Standing on my feet
It's so hard when I try to be me, woah

Avatar Zephyrzjutuba

16 grudnia 2018, 03:56

@julianus03: Deja vu
I've just been in this time before
Higher on the beat
And I know it's a place to go
Calling you and the search is a mystery
Standing on my feet
It's so loud when I try to be me, yeah

Avatar LOKO30

15 grudnia 2018, 14:52

Deja vu

Avatar NightShadePL

13 grudnia 2018, 19:18

Opisz dokładnie problem, a jeśli potrzeba to zilustruj go screenem.

Opisz problem

Dołącz screena

Mmm lemoniadka

Just la la la la la It goes around the world

"Można, jakby to było złe to by Bóg inaczej świat stworzył"

Kiedyś było inaczej w klubie jagód


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