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  3. ZABRONIONE są obrazki przedstawiające osoby w pozach prowokacyjnych oraz zbliżenia piersi, pośladków i inne treści o podobnym charakterze.


Avatar nirqm

12 marca 2019, 17:43

Gdzie on jest ?

Konto usunięte

8 marca 2019, 07:50

Spending all my nights, all my money going out on the town
Doing anything just to get you off my mind
But when the morning comes, I'm right back where I startedagain
Trying to forget you is just a waste of time
Baby come back, any kind of fool could see
There was something in everything about you
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me
I was wrong, and I just can't live without you
All day long, wearing a mask of false bravado
Trying to keep up a smile that hides a tear
But as the sun goes down, I get that empty feeling again
How I wish to God that you were here
Baby come back, any kind of fool could see
There was something in everything about you
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me
I was wrong, and I just can't live without you
Now that I put it all together
Give me the chance to make you see
Have you used up all the love in your heart
Is there nothing left for me?
Is there nothing left for me?
Baby come back, any kind of fool could see
There was something in everything about you
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me
I was wrong, and I just can't live without you
I was wrong, and I just can't live
Baby come back, any kind of fool could see
There was something in everything about you
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me
I was wrong, and I just can't live without you
Baby come back

Konto usunięte

8 marca 2019, 07:51

swoją drogą naprawdę dobra piosenka. Polecam, nazywa się "baby come back"

Avatar Jasnowidz

8 marca 2019, 07:18


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