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Avatar BombelosCompanieros

16 czerwca 2022, 13:24

co tam robi electronic arts?

Avatar Drag_on

16 czerwca 2022, 13:25

@BombelosCompanieros: tworzy płatne DLC

Avatar Kaczkodon

14 czerwca 2022, 08:21

Sądzác po tytule
OP jeździ rowerem

Avatar andi12345

13 czerwca 2022, 21:31

what are we getting for dinner?
sushii of course!

Avatar andi12345

13 czerwca 2022, 21:33

@andi12345: uh oh there was a roofie in our gas station sushi!
we black out and wake up in a sewer, we're surrounded by fish. Horny fish.
You know what means! Fish orgy!

Avatar andi12345

13 czerwca 2022, 21:37

@andi12345: the stench drives in a bear. What do we do? We're gonna fight it!
Bear fight.
Bare handed.
Bare naked?
OH yes please! We befriend the bear after we beat it in a brawl then we ride him into a chucky cheese.
Dance, dance, revolution

Avatar andi12345

Edytowano - 13 czerwca 2022, 21:38

@andi12345: Revolution? Overthrow the government? uhhhhhhh... I think so?
Next thing you know I'm reincarnated as Jesus Christ then I turn into a jet, fly into the sun black out again, wake up, do a bump, w i d e out (which I didn't know you could do) then I smoked a joint; GREENED OUT then I turned INTO the sun- UH OH looks like the meth is kicking in! duh eugh jagsdjkgasduguiwakjshdkjGHHAJSDGASUIDAJHGA

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