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Avatar OlgaAristowskaya

29 września 2022, 19:35

Ale przypominasz sobie, że jesteś femboyem i wyglądanie jak dziewczyna/kobieta to twój cel

Avatar arekarb

29 września 2022, 21:48

@OlgaAristowskaya: in order to be born, you needed: 2 parents 4 grandparents 8 great-grandparents 16 second great-grandparents 32 third great-grandparents 64 fourth great-grandparents 128 fifth great-grandparents 256 sixth great-grandparents 512 seventh great-grandparents 1024 eighth great-grandparents 2048 ninth great-grandparents, For you to be born todays from 12 previous generations you needed a total of 4096 over the last 400 years. Think for a moment - how many struggles? How many battles? How many difficulties? How much sadness? How much happiness? How many love stories? How many expressions of hope for the future? - did your ancestors have to undergo for you to exist in this present moment, and you want to be a femboy slut

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