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Avatar Jumper112

16 marca 2016, 22:59

Eh, znam to...

Get psycho, I wanna get psycho
Get psycho, I wanna wanna wanna wanna, I wanna get psycho

Run you little bitch
I want your power glowing, juicy flowing, red hot, meaning of life
It's not enough to have a little taste
I want the whole damn thing now
Can you dig it?

Need to get psycho
wanna hear you say it
say, you want it, need it
Don't wanna wait until we finish the show
It's not enough, you hunger for more
You're one twisted little fuck
And now you wanna get psycho with me

A co, też coś dam.

Avatar gobo333

25 czerwca 2016, 08:57

@Jumper112: Disturbed <3

Avatar Jumper112

25 czerwca 2016, 09:37

@gobo333: <3

Avatar persephone_

30 kwietnia 2016, 08:50

tak się właśnie w mojej klasie czuję...

łeeeeeeee :'(

Avatar xKarolxpl

17 marca 2016, 14:34

rock and roll ain't noise pollution

idealny tytuł AC DC

Avatar Jiglypuff

17 marca 2016, 00:17

... to idę do psychologa i pytam dlaczego te gwoździe do mnie mówią

Avatar SetAbominae

16 marca 2016, 21:26

Metal revolution
Possessed we fight hand in hand
Sardonic aversions
Only in union we stand
Depressive perspective
Gives us a place to retreat
Never divided
No discussions stay to the roots

Real cultured, out of plastic
Can't share their philosophies
Sarcasm and passion
We have our own forces
Dictators predators
Won't rule our black hearts
Bestial invasion
Explodes in our evil souls

They can't break our will
We have the pleasure to kill
We are bonded by blood
Again they will rot

Avatar srarwars

16 marca 2016, 22:15

@SetAbominae: Że tak zapytam, co to bo nie kojarzę ale wydaje się spk.

Avatar SetAbominae

16 marca 2016, 22:24

@srarwars: Destruction - Thrash Till Death

Avatar srarwars

Edytowano - 16 marca 2016, 22:12

Inmate in hell or a hero imprisoned?
Soldier in Auschwitz, who knows his name?
Locked in a cell, waging war from the prison
Hiding in Auschwitz, who hides behind 4859?

Koleżanka zaczęła się ze mną kłócić, że Sabaton nie ma przekazu więc zacząłem śpiewać lalalaj Ewy Farny(jeśli chcecie mieć zepsutą psychikę nie szukajcie tego utworu.)

Avatar Mikas1092

16 marca 2016, 22:08

Country in depression, nation in despair
One man seeking reasons everywhere
Growing hate and anger, the Führer's orders were precise
Who was to be blamed and pay the price

Wicked propaganda turning neighbours into foes
Soldiers of the Third Reich searching homes
And then their former friends are watching
As they are round up one by one
Times of persecution has begun

Ever since it started on "Kristallnacht" '38
When liberty died and truth was denied
Sent away on trains, sent on a one-way trip to hell
Enter the gates, Auschwitz awaits

When freedom burns, the Final Solution
Dreams fade away and all hope turns to dust
When millions burn the curtain has fallen
Lost to the world as they perish in flames

też coś dorzuce :D

Avatar srarwars

16 marca 2016, 21:54

U mnie sebusze słuchają gangu sralbani :'(.

Avatar kazakol2000

16 marca 2016, 21:40

metal to zło

Pokaż wcześniejsze odpowiedzi (4)
Ukryj wcześniejsze odpowiedzi (4)
Avatar kazakol2000

30 kwietnia 2016, 14:45

@persephone_: Je**ć

Avatar persephone_

30 kwietnia 2016, 19:54

@kazakol2000: więc stąd wprdl

Avatar Shakrit

16 marca 2016, 21:31

I am a man who walks alone
And when I'm walking a dark road
At night or strolling through the park

When the light begins to change
I sometimes feel a little strange
A little anxious when it's dark

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a constant fear that something's always near
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone's always there

Avatar Jedenzwielu

16 marca 2016, 20:41

True story

BRAAAH!!! \\m//

Avatar SetAbominae

16 marca 2016, 21:21

@Jedenzwielu: We are legion
We are legion United In Hate!

Avatar Jedenzwielu

16 marca 2016, 21:31

@SetAbominae: United as brothers,
in that poor world.
Full of Fools.

Avatar patts

16 marca 2016, 21:12

Co to za film?

Avatar TheHarrier

16 marca 2016, 21:03

witam w klubie dla ludzi z dobrym gustem,ale słabym poparciem

Avatar SaiDi

25 lutego 2016, 22:14

Znam to.. Aż do bólu.
Moi "koledzy" tylko współczesne gówno.

Avatar Jedenzwielu

16 marca 2016, 20:42

@SaiDi: U mnie sluchaja polakowego rapu...

Avatar goodspeed_98

16 marca 2016, 19:17

They can’t stop us
Let ’em try
For heavy metal
We would die!

Avatar Numinax

16 marca 2016, 20:09

@goodspeed_98: Quit my job this morning said forever I would hold my head up high

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