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  1. Komentarz obrazkowy musi być powiązany z komentowanym obrazkiem
  2. ZABRONIONE są obraźliwe, wulgarne obrazki
  3. ZABRONIONE są obrazki przedstawiające osoby w pozach prowokacyjnych oraz zbliżenia piersi, pośladków i inne treści o podobnym charakterze.


Avatar Konrad2012r

13 listopada 2018, 21:11

Ja tam swojego brytyjczyka nie lubię z wzajemnością xD on zaczął

Avatar Konrad2012r

13 listopada 2018, 21:14

Avatar norszym

13 listopada 2018, 22:40

@Konrad2012r: Ten ch*j mi się do domu próbuje włamać

Avatar Konrad2012r

19 listopada 2018, 21:01

@norszym: o nie jesteśmy zgubieni

Avatar Saaaaasuke

13 listopada 2018, 20:37

co to za nuta?

Konto usunięte

13 listopada 2018, 20:49

@Saaaaasuke: darude - sandstorm

Avatar RussianVodka

13 listopada 2018, 18:47


Avatar lolpandapl

13 listopada 2018, 18:57

@RussianVodka: Ha ha ha
Pump it
Ha ha ha
And pump it (louder)
Pump it (louder)
Pump it (louder)
Pump it (louder)
Turn up the radio
Blast your stereo
Niggas wanna hate on us (who)
Niggas be envious (who)
I know why they hatin' on us (why)
'Cause that's so fabulous (what)
I'm a be real on us (c'mon)
Nobody got nuttin' on us (no)
Girls be all on us, from London back down to the US (s, s)
We rockin', it's contagious
Monkey business outrageous
Just confess, your girl admits that we the shit
F-r-e-s-h (fresh)
D-e-f, that's right we def (rock)
We definite B-E-P, we rappin' it
So, turn me up (turn it up)
Turn me up (turn it up)
Turn me up (turn it up)
C'mon baby, just
Pump it (louder)
Pump it (louder)
Pump it (louder)
Pump it (louder)
Pump it (louder)
Pump it (louder)
And say, oh oh oh oh
Say, oh oh oh oh
Yo, yo
Turn up the radio
Blast your stereo
Right now
This joint is fizzlin'
It's sizzlin'
Dude wanna hate on us (dude)
Dude need'a ease on up (dude)
Dude wanna act on up
But dude get shut like Flava shut (down)
Chicks say, she ain't down
But chick backstage when we in town (ha)
She like man on drunk (fool)
She wanna hit n' run (errr)
Yeah, that's the speed
That's what we do
That's who we be
B-l-a-c-k-e-y-e-d-p to the E, then the A to the S
When we play you shake your ass
Shake it, shake it, shake it girl
Make sure you don't break it, girl
'Cause we gonna
Turn it up (turn it up)
Turn it up (turn it up)
Turn it up (turn it up)
C'mon baby, just
Pump it (louder)
Pump it (louder)
Pump it (louder)
Pump it (louder)
Pump it (louder)
Pump it (louder)
And say, oh oh oh oh
Say, oh oh oh oh
Yo, yo
Turn up the radio
Blast your stereo
Right now
This joint is fizzlin'
It's sizzlin'
Damn (damn)
Damn (damn)
Damn (damn)
Damn (damn)
Damn (damn)
Apl. De ap. From Philippines
Live and direct, rocking this scene
Breakin' on down for the B-boys
And B-girls waiting, doin' their thing
Pump it, louder come on
Don't stop, and keep it goin'
Do it, lets get it on
Move it!
Come on, baby, do it
La-da-di-dup-dup die dy
On the stereo
Let those speakers blow your mind
(Blow my mind, baby)
To let it go, let it go
Here we go
La-da-di-dup-dup die dy (c'mon, we're there)
On the radio
The system is gonna feel so fine
Pump it (louder)
Pump it (louder)
Pump it (louder)
Pump it (louder)
Pump it (louder)
Pump it (louder)
And say, oh oh oh oh
Say, oh oh oh oh
Yo, yo
Turn up the radio
Blast your stereo
Right now
This joint is fizzlin'
It's sizzlin'

Avatar MituDestroyer

Edytowano - 13 listopada 2018, 18:14

Było i to nawet w tym roku

Avatar BOSS111

13 listopada 2018, 18:06

biedny kitku.

Avatar BiiTii

24 października 2018, 15:57

Jebłem i nie wstanę

Avatar polandball1

24 października 2018, 15:31

Avatar EWIPS

24 października 2018, 12:26

Opisz dokładnie problem, a jeśli potrzeba to zilustruj go screenem.

Opisz problem

Dołącz screena

Avatar EWIPS
Dodane przez: EWIPS

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